Archive for the ‘ Sociedad ’ Category

Ya poca Palestina queda Paso a paso, Israel la está borrando del mapa

Posted by: Humberto Vera Gutierrez
August 1, 2014 at 7:20pm

Eduardo Galeano (*)
«Desde 1948, los palestinos viven condenados a humillación perpetua. No pueden ni respirar sin permiso. Han perdido su patria, sus tierras, su agua, su libertad, su todo. Ni siquiera tienen derecho a elegir sus gobernantes.»

Para justificarse, el terrorismo de Estado fabrica terroristas: siembra odio y cosecha coartadas. Todo indica que esta carnicería de Gaza, que según sus autores quiere acabar con los terroristas, logrará multiplicarlos.

10547683_10203536960158511_3236290527667305308_nDesde 1948, los palestinos viven condenados a humillación perpetua. No pueden ni respirar sin permiso. Han perdido su patria, sus tierras, su agua, su libertad, su todo. Ni siquiera tienen derecho a elegir sus gobernantes. Cuando votan a quien no deben votar, son castigados. Gaza está siendo castigada. Se convirtió en una ratonera sin salida, desde que Hamas ganó limpiamente las elecciones en el año 2006. Algo parecido había ocurrido en 1932, cuando el Partido Comunista triunfó en las elecciones de El Salvador.

Bañados en sangre, los salvadoreños expiaron su mala conducta y desde entonces vivieron sometidos a dictaduras militares. La democracia es un lujo que no todos merecen. Son hijos de la impotencia los cohetes caseros que los militantes de Hamas, acorralados en Gaza, disparan con chambona puntería sobre las tierras que habían sido palestinas y que la ocupación israelí usurpó. Y la desesperación, a la orilla de la locura suicida, es la madre de las bravatas que niegan el derecho a la existencia de Israel, gritos sin ninguna eficacia, mientras la muy eficaz guerra de exterminio está negando, desde hace años, el derecho a la existencia de Palestina. Ya poca Palestina queda. Paso a paso, Israel la está borrando del mapa.

Los colonos invaden, y tras ellos los soldados van corrigiendo la frontera. Las balas sacralizan el despojo, en legítima defensa. No hay guerra agresiva que no diga ser guerra defensiva. Hitler invadió Polonia para evitar que Polonia invadiera Alemania. Bush invadió Irak para evitar que Irak invadiera el mundo. En cada una de sus guerras defensivas, Israel se ha tragado otro pedazo de Palestina, y los almuerzos siguen. La devoración se justifica por los títulos de propiedad que la Biblia otorgó, por los dos mil años de persecución que el pueblo judío sufrió, y por el pánico que generan los palestinos al acecho. Israel es el país que jamás cumple las recomendaciones ni las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas, el que nunca acata las sentencias de los tribunales internacionales, el que se burla de las leyes internacionales, y es también el único país que ha legalizado la tortura de prisioneros. ¿Quién le regaló el derecho de negar todos los derechos? ¿De dónde viene la impunidad con que Israel está ejecutando la matanza de Gaza? El gobierno español no hubiera podido bombardear impunemente al País Vasco para acabar con ETA, ni el gobierno británico hubiera podido arrasar Irlanda para liquidar a IRA. ¿Acaso la tragedia del Holocausto implica una póliza de eterna impunidad? ¿O esa luz verde proviene de la potencia mandamás que tiene en Israel al más incondicional de sus vasallos? El ejército israelí, el más moderno y sofisticado del mundo, sabe a quién mata. No mata por error. Mata por horror. Las víctimas civiles se llaman daños colaterales, según el diccionario de otras guerras imperiales.

En Gaza, de cada diez daños colaterales, tres son niños. Y suman miles los mutilados, víctimas de la tecnología del descuartizamiento humano, que la industria militar está ensayando exitosamente en esta operación de limpieza étnica. Y como siempre, siempre lo mismo: en Gaza, cien a uno.

Por cada cien palestinos muertos, un israelí. Gente peligrosa, advierte el otro bombardeo, a cargo de los medios masivos de manipulación, que nos invitan a creer que una vida israelí vale tanto como cien vidas palestinas. Y esos medios también nos invitan a creer que son humanitarias las doscientas bombas atómicas de Israel, y que una potencia nuclear llamada Irán fue la que aniquiló Hiroshima y Nagasaki.

La llamada comunidad internacional, ¿existe? ¿Es algo más que un club de mercaderes, banqueros y guerreros? ¿Es algo más que el nombre artístico que los Estados Unidos se ponen cuando hacen teatro? Ante la tragedia de Gaza, la hipocresía mundial se luce una vez más. Como siempre, la indiferencia, los discursos vacíos, las declaraciones huecas, las declamaciones altisonantes, las posturas ambiguas, rinden tributo a la sagrada impunidad. Ante la tragedia de Gaza, los países árabes se lavan las manos. Como siempre. Y como siempre, los países europeos se frotan las manos.

La vieja Europa, tan capaz de belleza y de perversidad, derrama alguna que otra lágrima mientras secretamente celebra esta jugada maestra. Porque la cacería de judíos fue siempre una costumbre europea, pero desde hace medio siglo esa deuda histórica está siendo cobrada a los palestinos, que también son semitas y que nunca fueron, ni son, antisemitas. Ellos están pagando, en sangre contante y sonante, una cuenta ajena. (Este artículo está dedicado a mis amigos judíos asesinados por las dictaduras latinoamericanas que Israel asesoró.)

(*) Eduardo Galeano, escritor y periodista uruguayo. Alma crítica de América Latina y figura señera del movimiento antiimperialista internacional. Entre sus escritos más conocidos internacionalmente: la trilogía Memoria del fuego (1986), El fútbol a sol y sombra (1995), Las venas abiertas de América latina (1971), Patas arriba. La historia del mundo al revés (1999).

Un Cristo separatista para el Papa

Humberto Vera Gutierrez shared Luis Arroyo’s post.
15 de Mayo, 2015

Por: Juan Carlos Zambrana Marchetti

La única misa que celebrará el papa Francisco en Bolivia será desde un altar muy peculiar, que está siendo construido a los pies de un monumento (Cristo redentor) cuya historia a Jorge Bergoglio le interesaría conocer. En 1961, con la Guerra Fría de trasfondo y las figuras emergentes de Fidel Castro y Ernesto Che Guevara como referentes socialistas en América Latina, Estados Unidos desplegaba su poderosa campaña anticomunista en la región, que incluía propaganda, represión y la utilización de la fe cristiana.
A pesar de que en Bolivia, y especialmente en Santa Cruz, el comunismo era políticamente inexistente, esa campaña sirvió para reprimir al campesino que luchaba por integrarse a una sociedad de blancos que lo rechazaba. Eso desató una larga batalla entre las milicias civiles del Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR), defensoras de la revolución de 1952, y las de la extrema derecha, que al carecer de poder político se habían reinventado como “cívica”.
El centro de la capital cruceña era el reducto inexpugnable de la élite que había estigmatizado como “elemento indeseable” a la clase plebeya que vivía fuera del Segundo anillo, marginada pero luchando por ingresar. En medio de esa batalla, la Iglesia Católica tenía planificado celebrar allí un congreso eucarístico a partir del 9 de agosto de 1961, e inaugurar el monumento al Cristo redentor, ubicado en plena vía pública, justo en la intersección del Segundo anillo de circunvalación y la carretera al norte, donde estaban las colonias de campesinos “collas” que habían sido relocalizados del altiplano como mano de obra para la industria agropecuaria. El Cristo daba la espalda al norte y protegía a la clase citadina, que se adjudicaba la cruceñidad; pero la protección contó también con la ayuda de las Fuerzas Armadas, las cuales tomaron sorpresivamente la ciudad de Santa Cruz y la declararon zona militar. El general René Barrientos Ortuño fue nombrado Jefe departamental interino del MNR, en sustitución del doctor Luis Sandóval Morón, quien se encontraba en La Paz. Los “indeseables” de Sandóval no ofrecieron resistencia, y en esas condiciones se inauguró el congreso y se entregó el monumento. Una semana después, el Gobierno todavía retenía a Sandóval en La Paz, y a los“indeseables” de Santa Cruz fuera del centro de esa urbe.
El 19 de agosto una protesta marchó desde la periferia hacia la plaza principal, pero fue repelida a balazos por la Policía y el Ejército, con un saldo, según Sandóval, de 16 muertos, 300 heridos y 800 arrestados. De acuerdo con el Gobierno, fueron ocho muertos, 30 heridos, y 304 prisioneros. Después, la élite adoptó al Cristo redentor como trofeo de guerra contra la clase popular y contra el “colla”, convirtiéndolo en otro de los símbolos de su “cruceñidad”,aunque fuese un símbolo del clasismo, racismo, militarismo, separatismo y, por sobre todo, del colonialismo; lacras que en aquellos tiempos no le molestaban a la Iglesia Católica, pero que al papa Francisco sí le molestan.
La élite cruceña, que sigue usurpándole el poder al pueblo, ha construido en el Cristo un altar permanente que recrea la imagen glorificada de la criminalidad colonial, pero el uso político de estos dos símbolos está revolviendo un oscuro pasado que no tiene cabida en el presente, porque no condice con la visión moderna de Francisco, y porque no aporta a la reconciliación entre los bolivianos. La elección del Cristo para este evento tiene una agenda oculta, pero creo que al Papa no se lo debiera engañar. Hubiese sido mejor celebrar la misa en la humilde pero muy amada parroquia de la Virgen de Cotoca.

La secretaria de Justicia de EEUU dice que «la FIFA es corrupta hasta en sus más altas esferas»


JUNE 3, 2015
10846814wLa secretaria de Justicia de EEUU, Loretta Lynch. EFE/Archivo
Berlín, 3 jun (EFE).- La secretaria de Justicia de EEUU, Loretta Lynch, dice en una entrevista que publica el periódico alemán «Frankfurter Allgemeine» en su edición digital que la FIFA es corrupta hasta en sus más altas esferas.

«Hemos tenido que constatar que la FIFA es corrupta hasta en sus más altas esferas», señala Lynch en la entrevista.

«Lo verdaderamente preocupante es que en las investigaciones hemos visto que cada vez que la FIFA se ha desprendido de funcionarios corruptos tras investigaciones internas, los ha reemplazado por otros que han seguido haciendo lo mismo que los anteriores», agrega.

Según Lynch, muchos de los funcionarios de la FIFA ven su posición ante todo como una posibilidad de recibir sobornos.

Por otra parte, Lynch rechaza que la acusación contra varios miembros de la FIFA se hiciera deliberadamente en la víspera de la reelección de Joseph Blatter como presidente de la FIFA.

«La acusación se hizo tras años de investigación y la presentamos cuando estuvo lista. Con la elección no tuvo nada que ver», dice Lynch.

Sin embargo, admite que la acción que llevó a la detención de varios funcionarios se hizo siguiendo la convicción de que hay que intentar detener simultáneamente al mayor número de implicados posibles para evitar fugas o destrucción de pruebas.

Interpol issues ‘red notice’ for 6 linked to FIFA probe

June 3, 2015
AP – Sports

FILE - In this July 4, 2012,  file photo, Paraguay's Nicolas Leoz, President of the South American Football Confederation, CONMEBOL, and former FIFA executive member, left, speaks with former Brazilian soccer  player Pele during a news conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Interpol added six men with ties to FIFA to its most wanted list on Wednesday, June 3, 2015, issuing an international alert for two former FIFA officials and four executives on charges including racketeering and corruption. Two of the men, former FIFA vice president Jack Warner of Trinidad and former executive committee member Nicolas Leoz of Paraguay, have been arrested in their home counties. Warner has since been released and Leoz is under house arrest.   (AP Photo/Andre Penner, File) FILE – In this July 4, 2012, file photo, Paraguay’s Nicolas Leoz, President of the South American Football Confederation, CONMEBOL, and former FIFA executive member, left, speaks with former Brazilian soccer player Pele during a news conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Interpol added six men with ties to FIFA to its most wanted list on Wednesday, June 3, 2015, issuing an international alert for two former FIFA officials and four executives on charges including racketeering and corruption.

PARIS (AP) — Interpol added six men with ties to FIFA to its most wanted list on Wednesday, issuing an international alert for two former FIFA officials and four executives on charges including racketeering and corruption.
Two of the men, former FIFA vice president Jack Warner of Trinidad and former executive committee member Nicolas Leoz of Paraguay, have been arrested in their home counties. Warner has since been released and Leoz is under house arrest. The Interpol »red notice» means they risk arrest anywhere they travel.
Others listed were Argentinians Alejandro Burzaco and Hugo and Mariano Jinkis, who together are accused of paying more than $100 million in bribes for media and commercial rights to soccer tournaments; and Jose Margulies, a Brazilian broadcast executive.
The announcement from Interpol comes a day after Sepp Blatter announced he will step down as FIFA president amid the widening corruption scandal.

Spain’s government angry at cup final jeers endured by new king


May 31, 2015 9:28 AM

Spain's King Felipe VI, right, applauds as Barcelona's Xavi Hernandez lift the cup after winning the final of the Copa del Rey soccer match 3-1against Athletic Bilbao at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, May 30, 2015. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Spain’s King Felipe VI, right, applauds as Barcelona’s Xavi Hernandez lift the cup after winning the final of the Copa del Rey soccer match 3-1against Athletic Bilbao at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, May 30, 2015. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Spain’s King Felipe VI, right, applauds as Barcelona’s Andres Iniesta, left and Xavi Hernandez lift the cup after winning the final of the Copa del Rey soccer match 3-1against Athletic Bilbao at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, May 30, 2015. (AP Photo/Emilio

MADRID (AP) — The government has reacted angrily to deafening jeers that King Felipe VI had to endure during the national anthem at Spain’s soccer cup final in Barcelona.
The Copa del Rey was won by Barcelona at its Camp Nou Stadium when it defeated Basque team Athletic Bilbao 3-1 on Saturday night. It was the first Copa final that Felipe presided as monarch.
Soon afterward, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s office issued a statement condemning «attacks against symbols that represent all Spaniards,» saying that «intolerance is always reprehensible» and adding it should not be allowed to «jeopardize our coexistence.»
The statement said Spain’s commission against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport would meet Monday to study whether sanctions should be applied.
Catalan regional President Artur Mas on Sunday called the statement «ridiculous.»

The world’s most powerful women 2015

Tue, May 26, 2015, 12:02pm EDT – US Markets

BORBES’annual com

The world’s most powerful woman, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has a lot on her mind these days: Mediterranean migrants, Russian sanctions, homegrown spying scandals, Eurozone stability and the Germanwings crash, to name a few pressing issues. One thing she surely isn’t thinking about is that come next year’s U.S. elections, she could lose her title of nearly nine years running to the one person with a credible and mathematical chance of winning.

Hillary Clinton has appeared on this FORBES ranking for every year since it was first launched in 2004 as, in order, a U.S. senator, secretary of state and influential personality. In 2015 Clinton is No. 2, just a breath and a ballot away from the crown.
This is FORBES’ annual audit of the extraordinary female entrepreneurs and icon CEOS, celebrity role models and billionaire activists, foremost heads of state and pioneer philanthropists, all ranked by money, media momentum, spheres of influence and impact.
Our countdown to this year’s top 10: Merkel, Clinton, Melinda Gates, Janet Yellen, Mary Barra, Christine Lagarde, Dilma Rousseff, Sheryl Sandberg, Susan Wojcicki and Michelle Obama.
The most powerful female billionaire this year is Oprah Winfrey at No. 12 with a personal net worth of $3 billion. Ana Patricia Botin, the newly installed chair of Banco Santander, is the top woman in finance at No. 18. Beyonce Knowles leads in the entertainment field at No. 21, while Anna Wintour, Conde Nast artistic director, is reigns over the media sector at No. 28.
The concept of power can be nebulous — especially when it comes to gender. As of January 2015, 10 women served as heads of state and 14 as heads of government. Women currently hold 23 (4.6%) of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies. Of a total 1,826 global billionaires, 197 are women — 11% of the total. Only 9% of executive officers in Silicon Valley are women.
That these wretched stats continue year after year is a serious and pressing issue. But there’s hardly a void of powerful women – and the numbers are growing. That is, if we shift focus from who’s got greatest wealth or the heaviest corporate hammer to who’s forging a power greater than the sum of their title.
The headlines remind us whenever a woman gets the top job. Examples: GM’s Mary Barra, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, IMF head Christine Lagarde. But the fact that a great many of the women on this list are not the pointy head of the pyramid — such as Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala or Gwynne Shotwell, COO of SpaceX — doesn’t dim their enormous influence and impact. They appear on this list because they illustrate the new math– it turns out you don’t need to be No. 1 to matter and shape the world.
The 2015 Most Powerful Women list features eight heads of state (plus one monarch) who run nations with a combined GDP of $9 trillion and a total population of over 600 million — including the newly elected Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz. The 24 corporate CEOs control nearly $1 trillion in annual revenues, and 18 of the women here founded their own companies or foundations, including our youngest self-made billionaire, Elizabeth Holmes, 31. Speaking of, this year’s class has 15 billionaires valued in excess of $73 billion. The total social media footprint (Twitter, YouTube) of all 100 Power Women is nearly 475 million followers.
Here, a quick peek at Power Women 2015:
Newcomers: Nineteen are new to the list in 2015. Ana Patricia Botin, the new chair of Banco Santander and the most powerful woman in finance, makes a strong first showing at No. 18. Other names to know: Google CFO Ruth Porat, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, Taylor Swift, top venture capitalist Jenny Lee of GGV Capital.
Hall of Fame: At this 11th anniversary, seven women who appeared on the inaugural list in 2004 are still here today: Melinda Gates, Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Indra Nooyi. Also, of course, Oprah Winfrey, Queen Elizabeth II, and Ho Ching.
She’s No. 1: Chancellor Merkel has made the list nine times out of the past 11 editions — eight times as No. 1. She was first elected in 2005.
She’s the first: Nearly half the women featured here are “female firsts,” such as GM’s Barra, the world’s most powerful businesswoman, and Fed Chair Janet Yellen, the top global state banker. Drew Gilpin Faust is the first female president of Harvard, and Folorunsho Alakija is the first self-made African billionaire. Rep. Nancy Pelosi was the first-ever to wield the U.S. House Speaker’s hammer, and Sarah Blakely was the first female self-made billionaire to sign The Giving Pledge, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett’s bid to encourage the world’s richest to give at least half their wealth to charity. And then there’s No. 2 Most Powerful, Hillary Clinton. Clinton’s CV is chock full of firsts: The only first lady to become a U.S. senator turned secretary of state turned presidential candidate x 2. Now a 2016 candidate, bets are on that she may be the first woman elected to the Oval Office.
Women in tech: Technology takes a fourth turn as a category on the Power Women list. Out of 18 in total, seven tech women made the top 25 this year, including Sandberg, YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki, IBM’s Ginni Rometty, HP’s Meg Whitman and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer.
The rising tide of female entrepreneurs: A remarkable number of women are founders or owners of their own enterprises, not a few of whose eponymous companies are synonymous with high fashion. Consider Miuccia Prada, Tory Burch and Diane von Furstenberg. Other self-made self-starters include Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Chinese real estate tycoon Zhang Xin, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, India’s first biotech entrepreneur.
Geographic diversity: More than half of the women (59) on the list are American, including immigrants such as von Furstenberg (Belgium), Power (Ireland), Weili Dai (China) and Warrior (India). Asia-Pacific citizens make the second strongest showing at 18. Latin America and the Middle East have four regionals on the list, and there are 12 Europeans and three Africans with a slot.
TOP 10
Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles as she arrives for the weekly cabinet meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, May 20, 2015. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles as she arrives for the weekly cabinet meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, May 20, 2015. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel continues her reign as the most powerful woman on the planet for past nine years. Why? She clinched a third four-year term of Europe’s most vibrant economy in December 2014, making her the longest-serving elected EU head of state. She fought off a national recession during the global economic crisis with stimulus packages and government subsidies for companies that cut hours for workers, and she is in the thick of trying to help Greece revive its economy. She has used her power against ISIS, breaking the post-Nazi-era taboo of direct involvement in military actions by sending arms to Kurdish fighters. In the Russia-Ukraine crisis, she has been engaging in shuttle diplomacy trying to broker a peace deal with Vladimir Putin. There’s only one woman who has a chance of endangering her tenure as No. 1 in 2016 – and that’s the world’s No. 2 most powerful woman Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton

U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attends a roundtable discussion about childcare with parents and providers during a campaign stop in Chicago, Illinois, United States, May 20, 2015.    REUTERS/Jim Young

U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attends a roundtable discussion about childcare with parents and providers during a campaign stop in Chicago, Illinois, United States, May 20, 2015. REUTERS/Jim Young

The presumptive Democratic front-runner in the 2016 presidential race is starting her campaign miles ahead of her challengers. Her Ready for Hillary super PAC raised $9 million in 2014 and some of her biggest potential donors have yet to commit. A recent CNN/ORC poll, seven out of 10 Democratic voters favored her, while her closest Republican contender, Marco Rubio, trailed her by 12 points. She is the first and only first lady to become a U.S. Senator, not to mention presidential candidate. Her bestselling 2014 memoir, «Hard Choices,» which chronicles her time as Secretary of State, reportedly earned her a high-seven-figure advance. Her popularity remains high despite the “emailgate” revelations that she used her own private email address and server while Secretary of State, instead of the government system, potentially making her correspondence vulnerable to hacking and foreign surveillance. She has said she regretted the decision and complied with government rules. In September 2014 she marked a personal first, the birth of her grandchild, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky.

Melinda Gates

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 18:  Honoree Melinda Gates speaks onstage as Helen Keller International celebrates their centennial anniversary with the 2015 Spirit Of Helen Keller Gala on May 18, 2015 at The New York Public Library in New York City.  (Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Helen Keller International)

NEW YORK, NY – MAY 18: Honoree Melinda Gates speaks onstage as Helen Keller International celebrates their centennial anniversary with the 2015 Spirit Of Helen Keller Gala on May 18, 2015 at The New York Public Library in New York City. (Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Helen Keller International)

Melinda Gates has cemented her dominance in philanthropy and global development to the tune of $3.9 billion in giving in 2014 and more than $33 billion in grant payments since she founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with her husband in 2000. Her work has inspired other big donors and has changed way funders think about effective philanthropy: highly targeted campaigns coupled with data-driven monitoring and global collaboration. As the woman with her name on the door, Gates decides the direction of the organization and reviews the results. Much of her attention is now focused on championing investments in women and girls around the world.

Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen made history in 2014 when she became the first female head of the Federal Reserve. The Yale and Brown educated economist has barely had a moments rest since then: She took over shortly after the central bank began unwinding its recession era bond buying program and then deftly ushered markets through six cuts that brought monthly purchases to $0 from a peak of $85 billion. Now the Fed is on track to loosen the economic reigns further by beginning to hike interest rates as soon as June 2015 — a feat it hasn’t attempted since 2004. With so much at stake a single word from Yellen can send asset prices swinging but she received praise in March 2015 when she managed to change guidance without spooking investors. Meanwhile she has been fighting a call to increase congressional supervision of the Fed while pushing to improve the Fed’s oversight of big banks.

Mary Barra

General Motors Co's Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra greets Camaro vehicle owners before the official debut of the all-new Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SIX at Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan May 16, 2015.  REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

General Motors Co’s Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra greets Camaro vehicle owners before the official debut of the all-new Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SIX at Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan May 16, 2015. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

Mary Barra survived a harrowing first year as the first woman ever to head a Big 8 automaker last year. She faced revelations about faulty ignition switches blamed for at least 74 deaths and 126 injuries, a 30-million car recall and pressure from investors to return more cash to shareholders. In October the 35-year GM veteran finally got to lay out her strategy for the future, which includes turning Cadillac into a global luxury brand, continuing to grow in China and becoming a technology leader. Under Barra GM is also proving to be more disciplined financially, making tough decisions like pulling out of Russia, Australia and Indonesia or killing the Chevrolet brand in Europe if there’s not enough profit to justify continued investment.

Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde is entering the last year of her first term heading the International Monetary Fund, the organization which serves as economic advisor and backstop for 188 countries. When she took over in 2011 the world economy was still recovering from the financial crisis. Today Lagarde is projecting 3.5% annual global growth — only a hint above last year’s rate and down from 4% in 2011. Lagarde calls this the «new mediocre» and is vocal about her concern that slow growth has become the «new reality.» How is the IMF helping? By viewing emerging markets as unique locals rather than a single entity and warning central bankers ? the U.S. Federal Reserve especially ? to be wary of the potential negative effects of differing monetary policy across the globe. Under Lagarde the IMF has supported efforts to increase female labor force participation as way to reduce poverty and inequality.

Dilma Rousseff

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff speaks during a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (not pictured) at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, May 19, 2015. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff speaks during a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (not pictured) at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, May 19, 2015. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Calls for President Dilma Rousseff’s resignation were chanted through the streets of Brazil at the start of this year, just months into her second term. Rousseff, who ran on campaign promises to harness oil and boost the economy, is now battling a bribery scandal that involves the national oil company Petrobras. As Brazil’s first female president, she was elected in 2010 and was on track to end poverty in the world’s seventh-largest economy. But the hopes of her supporters have fallen flat in recent months as her approval ratings have dropped to 13%. Additionally, the economy of the country with a GDP of $2.19 trillion could shrink for the second consecutive year.

Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg knows how to command attention. Her 2013 bestseller, «Lean In,» won famous fans including Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Beyonce, spawned thousands of Lean In Circle support groups, inspired a spin-off, «Lean In for Graduates,» published in 2014, and a Sony Pictures movie deal. The mother of two is a former Google executive, wooed in 2007 to Facebook by billionaire founder Mark Zuckerberg to the fledgling startup run by college dropouts. Before Google, the Harvard MBA worked as chief of staff to then-Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. She is a significant shareholder and oversees sales, marketing, business development, human resources and communications at the social media giant. Under Sandberg’s leadership, Facebook has improved its earnings performance and revamped its mobile strategy. She recently joined The Giving Pledge, promising to give away at least half of her net worth to charitable causes. Her husband, SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg, died unexpectedly of head trauma after a fall on a treadmill in early May. He was just 47 years old.

Susan Wojcicki

Memes may come and go, but Wojcicki’s new job is to make certain YouTube profits from every one of them. Google employee No. 16 — the company started in her Menlo Park garage — now heads up the Internet’s central hub for all things video. In February 2014, Wojcicki moved from her post as consigliore for Google’s ads and commerce (some 90% of revenue) to become CEO of the world’s largest video platform. It was a long time coming: In 2006, Wojcicki championed the $1.65 billion acquisition now valued at some $20 billion with revenues projected to be $5.6 billion last year, up about 51% from the past year. With more than 1 billion UVs per month and more eyeballs among adults 18 – 34, the former ad chief is quickly focusing on new ad formats, campaigns and market share. Calling YouTube complementary to television, Wojcicki is working to support YouTube’s celebrities and help media companies make the most of the video platform.

Michelle Obama

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 20:  U.S. first lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks during the Elizabeth Dole FoundationÕs 2015 Hidden Heroes Coalition Summit: Progress and Promise at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center May 20, 2015 in Washington, DC. leaders from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Congress, corporations, nonprofits and faith communities gathered to honor military and veteran caregivers from across the country.  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 20: U.S. first lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks during the Elizabeth Dole FoundationÕs 2015 Hidden Heroes Coalition Summit: Progress and Promise at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center May 20, 2015 in Washington, DC. leaders from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Congress, corporations, nonprofits and faith communities gathered to honor military and veteran caregivers from across the country. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

While her husband may sit in the Oval Office, First Lady Michelle Obama has her own power seat in the White House. At the start of the year, she traveled to Southeast Asia to push an initiative that aims to get more girls educated and therefore improve the well-being and financial stability of young women. In the summer of 2014, she spoke of the administration’s effort to end homelessness among military veterans in the U.S. — cities like Phoenix and Salt Lake City have been successful — and pushed back against measures that would allow some schools to opt out of the federal dietary standards for school lunches. Obama gained attention after opting not to cover her head during a visit with the president to Saudi Arabia.
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Hillary Clinton’s Damning Emails Could End Her Candidacy

IBD Editorials

05/22/2015 06:51 PM ET

Leadership: Now that 350 pages of Hillary Clinton’s carefully selected emails have been gifted to the New York Times, Americans can see just how badly the former secretary of state botched the job in Libya and elsewhere.
Clinton went to extraordinary lengths to keep her supposedly public emails — she was a public employee, after all — private.

She kept them on an account outside the Department of State’s system, on her own server in her own home. And she had more than one account. All of these acts are breaches of State Department rules.
Worse still, when the emails suddenly became an issue and Congress asked to see them, she conveniently erased a hard drive. You know, an accident.

The State Department released 296 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private account on Friday. AP View Enlarged Image

Then, in a Nixon-like move, she agreed to hand over 30,000 emails to the State Department. But she printed them, forcing the State Department to spend five weeks redigitizing them, the Washington Post reported.
This email dump only scratches the surface: State handed over just 850 pages of the emails to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and someone there leaked about 350 pages to the Times.
Even so, the emails are damning, both of Clinton’s conduct as a public official and her character. To wit:
• As Libyan rebels tightened their grip on the capital and dictator Moammar Gadhafi, State Department Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan emailed Clinton that she now had «leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy from start to finish.»
The email was meant to be a triumphal pat on the back for Clinton’s adroit handling of Libya’s rebellion, one of the great debacles in U.S. diplomatic history.
Despite her «ownership,» Clinton later blamed the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi tragedy — in which terrorists murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in our own diplomatic compound — on an obscure movie, «The Innocence of Muslims.»

• The Clinton emails also show that she compromised State Department security by keeping «sensitive but unclassified» emails on her private server. «This includes the whereabouts of State Department officials in Libya when security there was deteriorating during the 2011 revolution,» the Times reported.
• A year and a half before his untimely and unnecessary death, then-special envoy Stevens became so concerned with security in the country that he thought about leaving, Hillary’s emails also show.
And the emails indicate that old Clinton hand Sidney Blumenthal emailed Clinton regularly about Libya, a country in which he had business interests. One email stands out. Just two days after Benghazi, Blumenthal emailed Clinton, saying that the attacks «had been planned for approximately one month» and had been perpetrated by «well-trained, hardened killers» who belonged to the Libyan terrorist gang Ansar al-Sharia.
Blumenthal completely contradicts the phony story,which Clinton and others concocted, of a spontaneous uprising resulting from the video that we mentioned earlier.
As we said, this information is damning of Clinton’s «ownership» of U.S. Libya policy. It may even scuttle her run for president. What else will emerge in the thousands of other pages of emails yet to be inspected?

Morales convierte un palacete de Sucre en la segunda residencia presidencial

Agencia EFE – May 25, 2015
Agencia EFE – El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales. EFE/Archivo

La Paz, 25 may (EFE).-
El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, firmó un decreto que designa al Palacete de La Florida, en la ciudad sureña de Sucre, como la segunda residencia presidencial que ocupará el gobernante cuando se encuentre en esa ciudad, capital constitucional del país y sede del poder judicial.
El Palacete de La Florida fue declarado «Casa Presidencial de la Revolución Democrática y Cultural» en un decreto firmada por Morales el domingo, durante la sesión de honor del Concejo Municipal de Sucre con motivo del 206 aniversario del alzamiento de esa ciudad contra la colonia española.
En su discurso, Morales afirmó que esta declaración se realizó a solicitud de la brigada parlamentaria del departamento de Chuquisaca, «como justo reconocimiento a Sucre, la capital del Estado plurinacional» y de esa región sureña.
El Palacete de La Florida, situado a cinco kilómetros de Sucre, fue construido por encargo del presidente Aniceto Arce (1888-1892), que gobernó desde ese lugar, según el diario La Razón.
El lugar fue inicialmente una hacienda colonial conocida como Huiripucu y perteneció a un hombre apellidado Isaac, que la transfirió al empresario minero Fernando Iturralde, quien, a su vez, la vendió a Arce en 1870.
La construcción del palacete comenzó en 1886 y el cambio de nombre a «La Florida» surgió tras un viaje que hizo Arce a Estados Unidos, en concreto al estado sureño de Florida.
En las décadas posteriores, el lugar cambió de dueño al menos dos veces y comenzó a deteriorarse, hasta que a fines del siglo pasado fue recuperado por la entonces prefectura de Chuquisaca para convertirlo en residencia presidencial.
El Palacete tiene actualmente 74 habitaciones y algunos de sus muros todavía conservan el empapelado traído desde Italia cuando fue construido.

Obama pays tribute to fallen service members at Arlington



President Barack Obama on Monday saluted Americans who died in battle, saying the country must «never stop trying to fully repay them» for their sacrifices. He noted it was the first Memorial Day in 14 years without U.S. forces engaged in a major ground war.
Speaking under sunny skies to some 5,000 people in an amphitheater on the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery, Obama said the graveyard is «more than a final resting place of heroes.»
«It is a reflection of America itself,» he said, citing racial and religious diversity in the backgrounds of the men and woman who paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve «the ideals that bind us as one nation.»
His appearance is an annual rite for presidents at the cemetery nestled among verdant hills overlooking the Potomac River. It came months after the end of the U.S. combat mission in Afghanistan, where the number of stationed troops has been reduced to about 10,000 from a peak of more than 100,000.
His tribute also took place against a backdrop of the increasingly complex U.S.-led effort to help Iraq defeat the Islamic State extremist group, which has been gaining momentum in recent weeks by capturing Ramadi there and taking Palmyra in neighboring Syria.
Obama made no mention of America’s participation with other nations in the effort to stop the Islamic State. His effort there has come under intensifying criticism since the fall of Ramadi with lawmakers calling for a bigger show of American force there, including ground troops.

Navy Vietnam War veteran Dennis McClelland of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, holds a U.S. flag during a Veterans March on Ocean Boulevard in honor of Memorial Day in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, May 25, 2015. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Vice President Joe Biden spoke Monday with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and pledged full U.S. support for Iraqi efforts to reclaim territory from the Islamic State, including by speeding up the provision of U.S. training and equipment, the White House said.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter had said in a nationally broadcast interview aired Sunday that Iraqi forces «showed no will to fight» and fled as the Islamic State advanced on Ramad
White House said in a statement that Biden’s call «recognized the enormous sacrifice and bravery of Iraqi forces over the past 18 months in Ramadi and elsewhere.»
In his remarks at Arlington National Cemetery, Obama said most of the remaining troops should be removed from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.
He recognized the more than 2,200 «patriots» who sacrificed themselves in Afghanistan, including the final two to be killed before the U.S. combat mission ended late last year. He also recognized the first American killed during the «new mission» to train Afghan forces, an Army medic who died in April.
Earlier, troops stationed in that war-wracked country observed a moment of silence in honor of fallen comrades there.
White House said in a statement that Biden’s call «recognized the enormous sacrifice and bravery of Iraqi forces over the past 18 months in Ramadi and elsewhere.»
In his remarks at Arlington National Cemetery, Obama said most of the remaining troops should be removed from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.
He recognized the more than 2,200 «patriots» who sacrificed themselves in Afghanistan, including the final two to be killed before the U.S. combat mission ended late last year. He also recognized the first American killed during the «new mission» to train Afghan forces, an Army medic who died in April.
Earlier, troops stationed in that war-wracked country observed a moment of silence in honor of fallen comrades there.

[caption id="attachment_3621" align="alignleft" width="300"]Oz Knarr, of Cincinnati, holds his toy musket as he passes miniature American flags placed at the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. The cemetery holds a Memorial Day service which includes Civil War reenactors and a 21-gun salute. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) Oz Knarr, of Cincinnati, holds his toy musket as he passes miniature American flags placed at the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. The cemetery holds a Memorial Day service which includes Civil War reenactors and a 21-gun salute. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, left, Commander of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, and the with the aid of Sgt. 1st Class John C. Wirth, lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The Arlington observance was among a host of Memorial Day events nationwide featuring parades, picnics and tributes.
Presaging Monday’s solemn event at Arlington was the roar of motorcycle engines throughout the nation’s capital on Sunday as thousands of bikers saluted veterans with Rolling Thunder’s «Ride for Freedom.» That was followed by a concert of patriotic music Sunday evening and Obama’s private breakfast Monday at the White House with representatives of veteran and military family service organizations. A Memorial Day parade also was held Monday in downtown Washington.
North Dakota marked the 25th anniversary of the groundbreaking for the state’s Veterans Cemetery south of Mandan. Gov. Jack Dalrymple directed all state agencies to fly the U.S. and state flags at half-staff, a practice put in place across the country. In South Dakota, Gov. Dennis Daugaard asked state residents to observe the president’s request that Americans unite in prayer at 11 a.m. local time and that a moment of silence be observed at 3 p.m. for the National Moment of Remembrance.

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, left, Commander of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, and the with the aid of  Sgt. 1st Class John C. Wirth, lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va.  (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, left, Commander of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, and the with the aid of Sgt. 1st Class John C. Wirth, lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Oz Knarr, of Cincinnati, holds his toy musket as he passes miniature American flags placed at the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War, Monday, May 25, 2015, at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. The cemetery holds a Memorial Day service which includes Civil War reenactors and a 21-gun salute. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Obama traveled by motorcade in late morning from the White House to Arlington and began his outing by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. He bowed his head briefly and listened with others to the playing of «Taps.»
Obama said most Americans don’t understand the sacrifice made by the 1 percent of the population that serves in the all-volunteer Armed Forces. But when he meets with «Gold Star» families that have lost loved ones through military service, Obama said he hears «their pride through their tears.»
«I see that their hearts are still broken, and yet still full of love,» he said. «They do not ask for awards or honors. They do not ask for special treatment. They are unfailingly humble. In the face of unspeakable loss, they represent the best of who we are.»
Obama said the markers at Arlington signify the blessings many Americans enjoy.
«It’s a debt we can never fully repay,» he said, «but it is a debt we will never stop trying to fully repay.»
Introducing Obama, Carter, the defense secretary, said, «We, your fellow Americans, lack the words to describe what you feel today because try as we may, and try as we do, we can never fully know. But we do know what your sacrifice means to us.»
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México: Al menos 40 muertos en una batalla entre policías y civiles armados

De Ulises Zamarroni | AFP – May 22, 2015

e426cb47e7dcbccdf043f03e923ada595ca66518Membros da Polícia Federal Mexicana são vistos na rodovia Michoacán-Jalisco, no dia 22 de maio de 2015
El número de muertos en un enfrentamiento entre civiles armados y fuerzas de seguridad este viernes en los límites de los estados mexicanos de Michoacán y Jalisco (oeste) se elevó a 43, ubicando a este tiroteo como uno de los más sangrientos de la lucha antidrogas.
Las autoridades han contabilizado hasta el momento como víctimas mortales del choque registrado en el pueblo de Tanhuato a «42 presuntos delincuentes y un policía federal», se limitó a decir a la AFP un funcionario del gobierno federal, que pidió permanecer en el anonimato.
El balance previo de muertos proporcionado por la misma fuente era de 37 civiles armados y dos policías federales muertos.

Foto: Cuartoscuro

TANHUATO, MICHOACÁN, 22MAYO2015.- Más de 40 personas fallecidas, entre ellos un Policía Federal y dos más heridos, fue el saldo de un enfrentamiento en la comunidad de Tinaja de Vargas enfre elementos federales y presuntamente miembros del crimen organizado. FOTO: ESPECIAL /CUARTOSCUO.COM

TANHUATO, MICHOACÁN, 22MAYO2015.- Más de 40 personas fallecidas, entre ellos un Policía Federal y dos más heridos, fue el saldo de un enfrentamiento en la comunidad de Tinaja de Vargas enfre elementos federales y presuntamente miembros del crimen organizado.

El gobernador de Michoacán, Salvador Jara, explicó que el enfrentamiento comenzó cuando fuerzas de seguridad detuvieron a un vehículo sospechoso, desde el cual comenzaron a disparar a los uniformados.

«Ese fue el inicio y después evolucionó. Según el informe preliminar fueron muchísimos los que estaban atacando posteriormente a las fuerzas federales y también mucho el armamento», dijo Jara a la emisora Radio Fórmula, señalando que todavía no podía confirmar la cifra final de muertos por el choque.
Los civiles armados se internaron luego en una zona rural y se atrincheraron en un rancho cercano, donde se registró el mayor tiroteo, según Radio Fórmula.
La tarde del viernes, el rancho llamado El Sol se encontraba fuertemente custodiado por medio millar de militares y policías federales.
Uno de esos mandos policiales comentó a la AFP que la persecución y balacera concluyó dos kilómetros dentro del predio del rancho, cuyo propietario se desconoce.
El gobernador Jara señaló que «es muy probable» que los hombres armados pertenezcan al poderoso cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, que en los últimos meses se ha convertido en el enemigo número uno del gobierno mexicano.
El funcionario dijo que en las próximas horas darán un informe oficial sobre el enfrentamiento y señaló que altos mandos de las dependencias federales de seguridad están en la zona, situada a unos 465 km de Ciudad de México.
Se trata de uno de los enfrentamientos más cruentos desde que el expresidente Felipe Calderón lanzó a finales de 2006 un amplio operativo militar contra los cárteles de la droga, cuyo primer despliegue fue precisamente en Michoacán, una región que para su sucesor Enrique Peña Nieto, representa uno de sus principales desafíos en materia de seguridad.
Otro episodio de violencia que dejó una gran cantidad de muertos y un enorme escándalo en México ocurrió en junio de 2014 en la comunidad de Tlatlaya (centro), donde militares se enfrentaron con un grupo de presuntos secuestradores.
El Ejército reportó a 22 presuntos secuestradores muertos y ninguna baja militar en el enfrentamiento, pero meses después un testigo aseguró que en realidad la gran mayoría de los fallecidos fueron ejecutados por soldados cuando el tiroteo había acabado y ya se habían rendido. La fiscalía ha acusado a tres militares de la muerte de al menos ocho de esas personas.
– Meses de violencia –
El pueblo de Tanhuato, de unos 15.000 habitantes, se encuentra en los límites con el estado de Jalisco, donde el gobierno ha desplegado un fuerte operativo militar contra Jalisco Nueva Generación.
Esta organización ha protagonizado en las últimas semanas espectaculares ataques contra autoridades que incluyeron el derribo de un helicóptero militar, en el que murieron ocho uniformados.
El cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, liderado por Nemesio Oseguera alias «El Mencho», perpetró también una emboscada en abril que dejó 15 policías muertos, el peor ataque que se recuerda contra fuerzas de seguridad en la lucha antidrogas.
Un mes antes, el cártel también mató a cinco miembros del cuerpo federal de Gendarmería en otra emboscada en Ocotlán (Jalisco).
Tanhuato también es vecina del municipio de Yurécuaro (Michoacán) donde hace una semana fue asesinado un candidato izquierdista y exjefe de una milicia de autodefensa durante un acto de su campaña para alcalde en las elecciones locales del 7 de junio.
Las autodefensas fueron creadas en 2013 por vecinos de comunidades rurales de Michoacán que se alzaron en armas contra el cártel narcotraficante Los Caballeros Templarios.
Cerca de Tanhuato, en el municipio de La Barca (Jalisco), fueron desenterrados 64 cuerpos de fosas
comunes en 2013.
Más de 80.000 personas han sido asesinadas y 23.000 desaparecidas desde el inicio de la ofensiva militar antidrogas de Calderón, que su sucesor, Enrique Peña Nieto, ha mantenido desde su llegada a la presidencia en 2012.

De los Bandidos a los Vagos. Las bandas de motoristas más peligrosas de EE.UU.

Yahoo Noticias – España
Mar, 19 may 2015
Agencia EFE –
10802393wImagen cedida por la Policía de Waco que muestra la zona donde al menos nueve personas murieron ayer en un tiroteo entre varias bandas de motoristas rivales, en Waco, Texas. EFE/Policía de Waco
Washington, 18 may (EFE).-
Desde los Bandidos a los Vagos, pasando por los Forajidos o los Mongoles, las bandas de motoristas más peligrosas de Estados Unidos se caracterizan por el cuero, los tatuajes, el olor a gasolina y, sobre todo, por la violencia y el tráfico internacional de drogas.
El Departamento de Justicia así lo explica en un documento que desvela el comportamiento de pandillas de motoristas como las que se enfrentaron el domingo en la localidad texana de Waco, a las que considera «organizaciones criminales altamente estructuradas» sin reparos en cometer crímenes violentos, traficar con armas o drogas.
Los miembros de estas bandas tienen en común el gusto por la violencia, como la desatada el domingo en Waco, donde nueve personas murieron, 18 resultaron heridas y otras 170 fueron detenidas, acusadas de estar relacionadas con el crimen organizado.
El intercambio de disparos que tuvo lugar en un restaurante, se produjo entre los miembros de cinco bandas rivales y, aunque la Policía local prefiere no divulgar los nombres para evitar «darles publicidad», medios locales mencionan a los Cosacos y los Bandidos.
Esta última banda, una de las dos más grandes del país, cuenta entre sus miembros a entre 2.000 y 2.500 personas y se encuentra en la clasificación de bandas más peligrosas del Departamento de Justicia, que cifra en 300 el número total de bandas de estas características en EE.UU.
Los Bandidos extienden su poder a 14 países y la Justicia estadounidense considera a esta banda como una «creciente amenaza criminal», con aproximadamente 900 miembros en 93 células y envuelta en tráfico de cocaína, marihuana y metanfetaminas, droga que también produce, según el Departamento de Justicia.
La otra banda implicada en el tiroteo, los Cosacos, un banda mucho menor, están amenazando no obstante el liderazgo de los Bandidos en Texas. Se identifican con los colores negro y dorado, y comparan sus motocicletas con los caballos que montaban los cosacos rusos hace 400 años, según los medios locales.
Otra de las organizaciones más peligrosas de Estados Unidos es la banda de los Pistones Negros, que ha hecho del cruce de estas dos piezas de motor su símbolo y con él han llenado clubes de motoristas en Canadá, Estados Unidos y Europa.
Los Pistones están apadrinados por Los Forajidos, que les ayudaron a establecerse en EE.UU. en 2002 y que utilizan a los Pistones como tapadera para el tráfico de drogas y como escuela de reclutamiento de la que obtener nuevos miembros.
Los Forajidos, que cuentan con más de 1.700 miembros en 12 países y Estados Unidos, es la banda predominante en la región de los Grandes Lagos de EE.UU. y Canadá, y la Justicia estadounidense los considera responsables de secuestros, asesinatos, extorsiones y diferentes actividades de fraude, así como de lavado de dinero.
Los Ángeles del Infierno, con presencia en 27 países, es la banda rival de los Forajidos y destaca por el tráfico de marihuana y metanfetaminas, cocaína, hachís, heroína, LSD, el éxtasis, fenciclidina (PCP) y desviados farmacéuticos, según el Departamento de Justicia.
En la década de 1980, otra banda, los Mongoles, arrebataron a los Ángeles del Infierno el control del Sur de California y ahora siguen luchando contra ellos, al lado de los Bandidos, los Forajidos y otras dos bandas, también consideradas entre las más peligrosas por EE.UU, los Hijos del Silencio y los Paganos.
Los miembros de Los Mongoles suelen ser hombres de origen hispano que viven en la zona de los Ángeles y que, en muchos casos, son antiguos miembros de bandas criminales con una larga historia en el uso de la violencia, según el Departamento de Justicia.
La última banda que menciona este Departamento en su clasificación de bandas más peligrosas es la de Los Vagos, con cientos de miembros en México y Estados Unidos, acusada de tráfico de drogas, asesinatos, asaltos, extorsiones e intimidación.
El tiroteo entre bandas rivales en Texas ha puesto bajo el foco de la opinión pública a estas organizaciones criminales, que tras la fachada de una sana afición por el mundo del motor, esconden asesinatos, extorsiones y tráfico de drogas.

Who was involved in the deadly Waco biker brawl?

By Caitlin Dickson
May 18, 2015 – Yahoo News

“In 34 years of law enforcement, this is the most violent crime scene I have ever been involved in,” Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said following a biker gang shootout that left 9 dead and 18 others wounded in the parking lot of a busy shopping center Sunday. “There is blood everywhere.”
Related Stories
1. Charges filed against 170 motorcycle gang members in Texas Associated Press
2. A former undercover agent explains what’s behind the Waco biker gang shootout
3. Mass arrests, revenge fears after deadly Texas biker gang shootout Reuters
4. The Latest on Waco shooting: Warning on biker gang violence Associated Press
5. More than 170 bikers charged over deadly Texas brawl: police AFP
Reports of the grisly brawl, which police said escalated from the bathroom to the bar and out into the parking lot of a restaurant called Twin Peaks, sound like a scene from a movie — or one of the countless scripted and reality TV shows about the elusive world of biker gangs. More than 170 people were arrested on charges of engaging in organized crime in relation to the shooting which, Swanton clarified, constituted “capital murder.”
In a press conference Monday, Swanton said that five gangs had been identified in the deadly altercation, but added that he was «not about to give them the respect of giving you their names.” While Swanton insisted that the Waco police would continue to refrain from naming the groups so as not to “give them publicity,” earlier reports on the shooting pinpointed at least two gangs at the center of the chaos: the Bandidos and the Cossacks.
The Bandidos
With up to 2,500 members across 13 countries — 900 of them in the U.S. alone — the Bandidos are considered one of the country’s largest outlaw motorcycle gangs and “a growing criminal threat” by the Department of Justice.
Bitter rivals of the Hells Angels, likely the best-known biker gang in the U.S., the Bandidos are involved in the transportation and distribution of cocaine and marijuana as well as methamphetamine, which they also produce. The gang is also actively expanding its presence across Texas, where its membership is largely concentrated, and throughout other parts of the country, starting new chapters and recruiting members of allied clubs.
The Texas Department of Safety’s 2014 gang threat assessment included the Bandidos among the Aryan Brotherhood, the Crips, the Bloods and other “Tier 2” threats — the second highest.
The Cossacks

Authorities investigate a shooting in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Authorities say that the shootout victims were members of rival biker gangs that had gathered for a meeting. (AP Photo/Jerry Larson)

Authorities investigate a shooting in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Authorities say that the shootout victims were members of rival biker gangs that had gathered for a meeting.

Less is known about the Cossacks Motorcycle Club, a local Texas gang reportedly founded just three years after the Bandidos, in 1969. But early expert analyses suggest rising territory-related tensions between the two Texas groups may have been at the root of Sunday’s shootout.
In 2013, Jack Lewis, the president of the Bandidos chapter in Abilene, Texas, was arrested in the nonfatal stabbings of two Cossacks members.
[caption id="attachment_3596" align="alignleft" width="300"]Bikers congregate against a wall while authorities investigate a Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton told KWTX-TV there were "multiple victims" after gunfire erupted between rival biker gangs at the restaurant. (Rod Aydelotte/Waco Tribune-Herald via AP) Bikers congregate against a wall while authorities investigate a Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton told KWTX-TV there were «multiple victims» after gunfire erupted between rival biker gangs at the restaurant.
(Rod Aydelotte/Waco Tribune-Herald via AP)

Authorities investigate a shooting in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Authorities say that the shootout victims were members of rival biker gangs that had gathered for a meeting. (AP
Steve Cook, executive director of the Midwest Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association and a Kansas City law enforcement officer who says he previously worked undercover in the Bandidos, told both Vox and the Washington Post that the Cossacks may have been pursuing an alliance with the Bandidos’ rivals the Hells Angels in an effort to challenge the larger gang’s control of Texas.
«We knew the tensions with the Cossacks were as high as they’d ever been,» Cook told Vox. «I don’t think anybody could have forecast it to the degree that it happened.»
Twin Peaks
After the dust settled on Sunday, the Associated Press reported that the inside of Twin Peaks, the restaurant where the brawl had begun, “was littered with bullet casings, knives, bodies, and pools of blood.”
Police said the Twin Peaks’ management had been aware that a planned meeting of around 200 outlaw motorcycle gang members at the local restaurant would likely erupt but had refused to cooperate with law enforcement in trying to prevent the kind of violence that took place Sunday.

Amid threats from bike gangs around Texas that prompted heightened security in parts of Waco Monday, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission closed Twin Peaks for liquor sales for a week.
«That’s a good thing for law enforcement here,” Swanton said. “That is one issue that we don’t have to worry about people coming in and creating another incident after the tragic incident we had last night.»